Importance Of A Healthy Smile

At Northridge Dental Group, we are passionate about helping our patients have beautiful smiles they are proud to show off. When you meet someone for the first time, one of the things that you typically notice right away is their smile. We never like to hear that one of our patients refuses to smile or show off their teeth because they are embarrassed. A beautiful, healthy smile can not only improve your self-confidence, but it can be a great asset as well. We want to help our patients have the best oral health possible. By following these helpful tips, you can ensure that you have a smile you are proud to show off:

Seeing Red This Valentine’s Day? It Could Mean You Need To Call Us!

With Valentine’s Day in a few short weeks, the color red is all around. If you notice that your gums are matching the Valentine’s Day decor, you may be experiencing a problem with your oral health known as gum disease. This common condition affects more than half of American adults. February is designated Gum Disease Awareness Month in an effort to educate the public about the prevalence of the disease and the lasting effects it can have if left untreated. Read on to learn more about gum disease and how it can affect your oral health.

Pregnancy And Oral Health

Are you planning to add to your family sometime soon? Or perhaps you or someone you know is already pregnant. During this exciting time of planning and preparing for a new baby (or babies!), caring for your oral health may not really be on your radar, but that should not be the case. Expectant and new mothers are often surprised to learn that pregnancy not only changes their bodies but can have lasting effects on dental health as well. Hormonal changes can impact your oral health and leave you more susceptible to decay and gum disease. Below are recommendations for your oral health during all stages of pregnancy.

If I Brush And Floss Every Day, Why Do I Still Need To See The Dentist?

When was the last time you visited our office for an oral hygiene examination and cleaning? If it has been longer than six months, then you are due for a visit! Unfortunately, some patients only visit our office when they are experiencing a complication or problem with their oral health. Only visiting our office when you are experiencing a concern means opening yourself up to procedures and treatments that could have been prevented. Read on to learn more about the importance of routine dental care.

Importance Of Caring For Your Teeth During The Holiday Season

We don’t know about you, but at Northridge Dental Group, we are excited to be in the middle of the holiday season. We love hearing about all of the plans our patients and team members have to celebrate this joyous time. No matter what you have planned during this special season, we want to remind you about the importance of caring for your oral health. Not caring for your teeth properly over the holidays can leave you with oral health issues in the new year. Here are two helpful tips to remember:

Learn What Dental Crowns Can Do

Did we recommend a dental crown during your last visit, but you have put off scheduling your appointment? We understand that we are in the middle of the holiday session, a hectic time for everyone. However, we encourage you to make your oral health a priority even though you’re busier than normal. Delaying a necessary dental treatment, like a crown, can lead to serious complications with your oral health. Read on to learn more about this common treatment.

Why Do I Have Bad Breath?

Are you constantly self-conscious of the smell of your breath? Do you find yourself repeatedly reaching for a breath mint because you know your breath is less than ideal? Bad breath is something that we all experience from time to time. For most of us, we typically experience bad breath after certain foods and drinks. Once you thoroughly brush and floss your teeth, the odor is usually gone. If you find yourself experiencing bad breath on a regular basis, your mouth may be giving you a warning about a problem with your oral health.

Benefits Of Invisalign® At Any Age

Have you considered learning more about orthodontic treatment but have been hesitant due to your age? Age is just a number, and there is no age limit for improving your oral health and the appearance of your smile. We have an orthodontic treatment that our adult patients love because of the many benefits it provides. Read on to learn more about Invisalign® and how it can help your teeth and oral health.