Seeing Red This Valentine’s Day? It Could Mean You Need To Call Us!

With Valentine’s Day in a few short weeks, the color red is all around. If you notice that your gums are matching the Valentine’s Day decor, you may be experiencing a problem with your oral health known as gum disease. This common condition affects more than half of American adults. February is designated Gum Disease Awareness Month in an effort to educate the public about the prevalence of the disease and the lasting effects it can have if left untreated. Read on to learn more about gum disease and how it can affect your oral health.

Are Your Medications Affecting Your Oral Health?

At Northridge Dental Group, we are passionate about our patients’ oral and overall health. You may be surprised to learn that your overall health has a direct effect on your oral health. This is one of the reasons we regularly ask about any changes to your medical history during each visit to our office. Patients are surprised to learn that many medications, prescription and over-the-counter alike, can cause lasting problems with your teeth and mouth that can affect their oral health for years to come. We want to share some of the common side effects and tips to help your oral health: